It’s been a long time coming (initial representations were made pre-Covid!), but we are very happy to see that the refurbishment of the roundabout at Master Park, gateway to Oxted town centre’s west side, has now been completed and is a huge improvement to its former state!
This was a complicated project, which encountered several set-backs along the way, but thanks to the the persistence of all involved, it got there in the end, just in time for Remembrance Sunday (which focuses around the war memorial just behind the roundabout) and in time for Christmas festivities.
The project was spearheaded by Oxted Parish Council and Surrey County Councillor, Cameron McIntosh and co-funded (through OPC’s Community Infrastructure Levy fund) with Surrey County Council and Cllr McIntosh’s local budget funding the kerbing works and design.

The Oxted BID (Love Oxted) funded the new heritage lamppost for the centre of the roundabout and organised the re-planting, having successfully applied for a small grant from Councillor Cameron McIntosh’s Your Councillor Community Fund.
Councillor McIntosh also organised for a local team to undertake groundworks, when the ground was found to be so compacted, it was pretty much concrete and un-plantable! The plants will continue to evolve in the spring time and we hope that the roundabout can now be viewed as a positive feature of the town centre instead of the blot on the landscape it was before.
Congratulations to all involved!
Photo: Surrey County Councillor Cameron McIntosh with Oxted Parish Councillors, Alan Feesey, Deb Shiner, Louise Kirk and Gerard Quinn